Didn't get to peek into calculator.
Their penyet style chili is spicy, similar to Skys though I didn't take much of it.
The goated chicken returns, so I took it. Mistakenly thought the wing as a thigh/breast.
Sauce, from the chicken with onions, it's fine.
Can't tell if waiter predicted what we wanted, or I got timeskipped.
There is still green stuff.
9 pieces of pork, 1 scoop of vege, 1.5 rice.
Always the same chewy and a little hard, along with abundance of fats.
Got rizzed in, let's see how good you are.
It tastes like how an average food court version would taste like, and I haven't ate it for a long time.
It isn't bubbling though, but it is served on a metal plate, so I'll give you credit for 'you tried to sizzle'.
Chicken, mushroom, noodles are good, sauce is plentiful, egg tastes like a soft boil one if "messed with" enough to let it cook.
The vege is a little off, but that's an acceptable trade off.
Despite the existence of dried chili, it is not spicy. The areas near it is spicy though, and that's after I cleared the sauce.
Even asked me if the food was nice, all hail independent stalls.
"Promotion, RM 9.00". If you say so.
"This meal follows the stock market, chicken rose? Rise. Oil fell? Fall." - I forgot who
Been a while since I had you... 26 Jun 2024?
I mean it's nice, but for 1 less I can get biasa, which is different, but still fills me?
Guess that explains why it took so long for me to order it, I just ordered the same as my boi.
I can't be having the same double cheeseburger again, so I changed.
For some reason every single choice I made for the burger would cost me more, so I refrained.
They raised prices on 16th Jan, along with introducing a new QR for menu.
Taste is still the same, but serving me took... 24 minutes.
Never going out at 1pm+, always eating before 1pm. Applies to all Fridays I'm at here.
Overheard my 2 bois wanna cook noodles for dinner, decided to do so.
Sees the other 2 wants to as well (bought out fridge stuff), better I do it first.
Plain noodles as I'm not sure what is ok to be taken in the fridge.
8 pieces.
As the name implies, it tastes like Portugese food in Melaka.
I cleared the plate, it's good, but the price is a little M40.
The crackers aren't too fresh, but still edible. I'd like prawn crackers more.
"What are you eating?" me: good question, can I see what you're ordering?
The food is good, would reorder.
Hell of an exam that was.
Aterthoughts, Mar 1:
Well more things broke, both physically and my sanity as well thanks to that cursed finals.
On the bright side, the end did come, for both the finals, and the trimester.
Just hope my grades stay afloat...